The purposes and objectives of the Legion were born of the need to further the spirit of comradeship and mutual assistance…

Purposes and Objectives


The mission of The Royal Canadian Legion is “to serve veterans and their dependants, to promote Remembrance, and to act in the service of Canada and its communities.” In essence, the purposes and objects of the Legion were born of the need to further the spirit of comradeship and mutual assistance among all who have served and never to forget the deeds of the fallen.

It is paramount that the Legion strives to pass on these goals and traditions to the families and descendants of our ex-service personnel and to raise this awareness among all Canadians.

The major source of funding for the Legion to accomplish this most important work is the annual Poppy Campaign, the foundation of our Remembrance Program. It is the generosity of Canadians that enables the Legion to ensure that our veterans and their dependants are cared for and treated with the respect that they deserve. This November campaign, which sees Poppies distributed to Canadians of all ages, serves to perpetuate Remembrance by ensuring that the memory and sacrifices of our war veterans are never forgotten.

The Legion also maintains a leading role in the creation and care of memorials to the contributions and valour of our veterans and ex-service members. We are deeply honoured and proud to accept the task of organizing Remembrance ceremonies throughout the country, including the National Remembrance Day Ceremony in Ottawa. In addition, working in concert with other veterans’ organizations and the Canadian government, the Legion has vowed to ensure that the preservation of the records and memories of our fallen heroes and returning veterans continues in perpetuity.

The Royal Canadian Legion was honoured to initiate and coordinate the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier for the Centennial in 2000 and to suggest the declaration of 2005 as ‘Year of the Veteran’. These and other commemorative projects and activities led by The Royal Canadian Legion have been welcomed by Canadians who have never hesitated to demonstrate their support in acknowledging the debt that is owed to those who sacrifice so much. We repay this debt in our “Remembrance.”

Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day shall remain and be reverently observed at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of each year by us and our successors.

This section is designed to provide information on Remembrance and to assist those who want to know more about the Poppy Campaign. Follow the appropriate link in the navigation bar or, if you require additional information, simply contact us via email at or by telephone at 613-591-3335.

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