Welcome to the Stouffville Legion Branch 459

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Wintersong: Musical Gear Swap @ Royal Canadian Legion Stouffvillle Branch 459
Jan 25 @ 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm


EMG Gear Swap – Wintersong Edition 🎸
Musicians and gearheads, this one’s for you! Don’t miss the EMG Gear Swap: Wintersong Edition on Saturday, January 25th, from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM at the Stouffville Legion (150 Mostar Street).
Why Attend?
❄️ Buy, sell, and trade musical instruments, audio equipment, and gear.
❄️ A prime opportunity to find unique pieces and connect with musicians from across the region.
❄️ Happening during the Wintersong Music Festival, which draws hundreds of musicians and music fans from far and wide.
Want to Sell?
❄️ Secure your table for just $50 – a great value to showcase your gear to an audience primed to buy! Space is limited, so act fast.
πŸ“ Admission is FREE for shoppers.
For more info or to reserve your table, contact us at kevin@wintersong.ca.
Let’s make music magic together! ❄️
EMAIL: kevin@wintersong.ca to register a table or for more information.

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FUN BINGO @ Stouffville Legion - Clubroom
Feb 8 @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm


Fun Bingo at Stouffville Legion

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Live Music with Christopher Normandeau @ Royal Canadian Legion Stouffvillle Branch 459
Feb 15 @ 2:00 pm – 5:30 pm

Christopher Normandeau live at the Legion Branch 459 in the clubroom on Saturday, February 15th. Everyone’s welcome…no cover. Starts at 2 pm.

β€œNorm” is a Canadian singer/songwriter based out of Stouffville Ontario. He plays all different genres and eras of music on both piano and guitar. Best known for getting the party started & keeping it going! @cnormmusic

Stouffville Legion Branch 459
150 Mostar St.




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FUN BINGO @ Stouffville Legion - Clubroom
Mar 8 @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm


Fun Bingo at Stouffville Legion

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Live Music with Sean Griffin @ Stouffville Legion - Clubroom
Mar 15 @ 2:00 pm – 5:30 pm

Sean Griffin live at the Legion Branch 459 in the clubroom on Saturday, March 15th. Everyone’s welcome…no cover. Starts at 2 pm.


Stouffville Legion Branch 459

150 Mostar St.




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FUN BINGO @ Royal Canadian Legion Stouffvillle Branch 459
Apr 12 @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm


Fun Bingo at Stouffville Legion

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