Mission and Vision

The Royal Canadian Legion – Mission and Vision

“To serve veterans, which includes currently serving military and RCMP members, and their families,
to promote Remembrance and to serve our Communities and our Country.”

Our Vision Statement serves as a long-term and aspirational goal for the organization. It is: “Our vision is to be the most highly respected Veteran and Community Service organization.” The Mission and Vision Statement go hand in hand and should always be used together.

Core Value
The core values that define Legionnaires are:

We provide dedicated support and compassionate assistance.

We behave ethically and in a manner which inspires trust, mutual understanding and confidence.

We are supportive, inclusive, courteous and fair to all, honouring the dignity and worth of every person.

We are steadfast in our patriotic allegiance to the Sovereign, to our Country, to The Royal Canadian Legion and to our Comrades.

We cooperate and work together selflessly, in Comradeship, to achieve our shared Mission.

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